Tissue and tumor atlases revolutionize our understanding of disease progression and therapeutic response. They provide precise molecular data on cell types, states, and interactions in a preserved 3D environment to improve diagnosis and disease management.

Navigating Spatial Biology

The Harvard Tissue Atlas (HTA) gathers image and -omic datasets into high-resolution molecular maps. Our atlases provide precise molecular data on cell types, states, and interactions in a preserved 3D environment, shedding light on the complex interactions between cellular and acellular structures in normal and diseased tissue. These data provide a deeper understanding of how diseases start and progress to improve disease diagnosis and management.

The Harvard Tissue Atlas datasets enable a foundation for future advances in precision medicine, such as early cancer detection, AI/ML predictive models, and disease stratification for clinical trials.



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Melanoma Pre-Cancer and Progression Atlas
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BRCA-positive Breast Cancer Atlas
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Colorectal Cancer Atlas
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Ludwig Tumor Atlas: A Focus on Drug Resistance


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Understanding the earliest stages of ovarian cancer.
HMS News 2025. LinkedIn
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New Therapeutic Strategy Identified for Triple Negative Breast Cancer
2024, October 9. BWH Research Brief
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A New Tool for Diagnosing Cancer
Caruso, C. 2023, June 22. HMS News
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New 3D Atlas of Colorectal Cancer Promises Improved Diagnosis, Treatment
Tabak, L. 2023, January 31. NIH Director's Blog

Publications & Software

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Multimodal spatial profiling reveals immune suppression and microenvironment remodeling in fallopian tube precursors to high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma.
Kader et al 2024. Cancer Discovery
Explore Data Publication
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AKT and EZH2 inhibitors kill TNBCs by hijacking mechanisms of involution
Schade, Perurena, Yang, et al 2024. Nature.
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Ovarian cancer-derived IL-4 promotes immunotherapy resistance
Mollaoglu, Tepper, et al. 2024. Cell
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Development and validation of time-to-event models to predict metastatic recurrence of localized cutaneous melanoma
Wan, Leung, et al. 2024. J Am Acad Dermatol

Featured Data Explorations

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Ovarian STIC Spatial Transcriptomic Data from GeoMX and Multiplex Imaging
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Nuclear envelope atypia and rupture in human glioblastoma
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Multimodal spatial profiling of colorectal cancer using Orion
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Graphical Abstract - Multiplexed 3D atlas of state transitions and immune interactions in colorectal cancer
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Exploring the Stages of Tuberculosis Granulomas
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Deep Exploration of a Primary Melanoma (MEL 1 Full Story)
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Patient 2 - Melanoma in situ, invasive melanoma, precursor field and inflammatory regression
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Data analysis of primary lung cancer (Lung 3)