
Featured Publications

Multimodal spatial profiling reveals immune suppression and microenvironment remodeling in fallopian tube precursors to high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma

Multimodal spatial profiling reveals immune suppression and microenvironment remodeling in fallopian tube precursors to high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma

Kader T, Lin J-R, Hug C, Coy S, Chen Y-A, de Bruijn I, Shih N, Jung, E, ... Santagata S
Cancer Discovery. 2024 Dec 20.
Ovarian cancer-derived IL-4 promotes immunotherapy resistance

Ovarian cancer-derived IL-4 promotes immunotherapy resistance

Mollaoglu G, Tepper A, Falcomatà C, Potak HT, Pia L, Amabile A, Mateus-Tique J, Rabinovich N,... Baccarini A, Brown BD. (2024).
AKT and EZH2 inhibitors kill TNBCs by hijacking mechanisms of involution

AKT and EZH2 inhibitors kill TNBCs by hijacking mechanisms of involution

Schade A, Perurena N, Yang Y, Rodriguez CL, Krishnan A, Loi P, Mastellone GM, Pilla NF,... Cichowski K. (2024).
The spatial landscape of progression and immunoediting in primary melanoma at single cell resolution.

The spatial landscape of progression and immunoediting in primary melanoma at single cell resolution.

Nirmal AJ, Maliga Z, Vallius T, Quattrochi B, Chen AC, Jacobson CA, Pelletier RJ,... Lian CG, Murphy GF, Santagata S, Sorger, PK. (2022)
Cancer Discovery, 12(6), 1518–1541.
Development and validation of time-to-event models to predict metastatic recurrence of localized cutaneous melanoma.

Development and validation of time-to-event models to predict metastatic recurrence of localized cutaneous melanoma.

Wan G, Leung BW, DeSimone MS, Nguyen N, Rajeh A, Collier MR, Rashdan H, Roster K,...Semenov YR. (2024).
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 90(2):288-298.
Qualification of a multiplexed tissue imaging assay and detection of novel patterns of HER2 heterogeneity in breast cancer

Qualification of a multiplexed tissue imaging assay and detection of novel patterns of HER2 heterogeneity in breast cancer

Guerriero JL, Lin JR, Pastorello RG, Du Z, Chen YA, Townsend M, Shimada K, Hughes ME ... Santagata S (2024).
npj Breast Cancer, 10(2).
High-plex immunofluorescence imaging and traditional histology of the same tissue section for discovering image-based biomarkers.

High-plex immunofluorescence imaging and traditional histology of the same tissue section for discovering image-based biomarkers.

Lin JR, Chen YA, Campton D, Cooper J, Coy S, Yapp C, Tefft JB, McCarty E,...Sorger PK (2023).
Lymphocyte networks are dynamic cellular communities in the immunoregulatory landscape of lung adenocarcinoma.

Lymphocyte networks are dynamic cellular communities in the immunoregulatory landscape of lung adenocarcinoma.

Gaglia G, Burger ML, Ritch CC, Rammos D, Dai Y, Crossland GE, Tavana SZ, Warchol S, Jaeger AM, Naranjo S, Coy S, Nirmal AJ, Krueger R, Lin JR, Pfister H, Sorger PK, Jacks T, Santagata S.(2023).
Cancer Cell, 41(5):871-886.e10.
Multiplexed 3D atlas of state transitions and immune interactions in colorectal cancer.

Multiplexed 3D atlas of state transitions and immune interactions in colorectal cancer.

Lin J-R, Wang S, Coy S, Tyler M, Yapp C, Chen Y-A, Heiser CN, Lau KS, Santagata S, Sorger PK. (2023).
Cell, 186(19), 363-381.e19.
Targeting immunosuppressive macrophages overcomes PARP inhibitor resistance in BRCA1-associated triple-negative breast cancer.

Targeting immunosuppressive macrophages overcomes PARP inhibitor resistance in BRCA1-associated triple-negative breast cancer.

Mehta AK, Cheney EM, Hartl CA, Pantelidou C, Oliwa M, Castrillon JA, Lin, J-R,... Guerriero, J. (2021).
Nature Cancer, 2(1), 66–82.
Temporal and spatial topography of cell proliferation in cancer.

Temporal and spatial topography of cell proliferation in cancer.

Gaglia G, Kabraji S, Angyropoulu D, Dai Y, Wang S, Bergholz J, Coy S, Lin J-R, ... Santagata, P. (2022).
Nature Cell Biology, 24(3), 316-326

Other Publications

Quality control for single-cell analysis of high-plex tissue profiles using CyLinter.

Quality control for single-cell analysis of high-plex tissue profiles using CyLinter.

Baker GJ, Novikov E, Zhao Z, Vallius T, Davis JA, Lin J-R, Muhlich JL, Mittendorf EA., Santagata S, Guerriero JL, Sorger PK. (2024).
Epigenetic and oncogenic inhibitors cooperatively drive differentiation and kill KRAS-mutant colorectal cancers

Epigenetic and oncogenic inhibitors cooperatively drive differentiation and kill KRAS-mutant colorectal cancers

Loi P, Schade AE, Rodriguez CL, Krishnan A, Perurena N, Nguyen VTM, Xu Y, Watanabe M,... Cichowski K. (2024).
Immune Profiling of Dermatologic Adverse Events from Checkpoint Blockade using Tissue Cyclic Immunofluorescence: A Pilot Study.

Immune Profiling of Dermatologic Adverse Events from Checkpoint Blockade using Tissue Cyclic Immunofluorescence: A Pilot Study.

Maliga Z, Kim DY, Bui AN, Lin JR, Dewan AK, Jadeja S, Murphy GF, Nirmal AJ, Lian CG, Sorger PK, LeBoeuf NR. (2024).
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 90(2):288-298.
Phase II Study of Eribulin plus Pembrolizumab in Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Clinical Outcomes and Biological Correlates

Phase II Study of Eribulin plus Pembrolizumab in Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Clinical Outcomes and Biological Correlates

Haddox CL, Nathenson MJ, Mazzola E, Lin JR, Baginska J, Nau A, Weirather JL, Choy E, Marino-Enriquez A, Morgan JA, Cote GM, Merriam P, Wagner AJ, Sorger PK, Santagata S, George S. (2024).
SpatialCells: automated profiling of tumor microenvironments with spatially resolved multiplexed single-cell data.

SpatialCells: automated profiling of tumor microenvironments with spatially resolved multiplexed single-cell data.

Wan G, Maliga Z, Yan B, Vallius T, Shi Y, Khattab S, Chang C, Nirmal AJ, Yu K-H, Liu D, Lian CG, DeSimone MS, Sorger PK, Semenov YR.(2024).
Briefings in Bioinformatics
UnMICST: Deep learning with real augmentation for robust segmentation of highly multiplexed images of human tissues.

UnMICST: Deep learning with real augmentation for robust segmentation of highly multiplexed images of human tissues.

Yapp C, Novikov E, Jang W-D, Chen Y-A, Cicconet M, Maliga Z, Jacobson CA, Wei D, Santagata S, Pfister H, Sorger PK. (2022).
Nature Communications Biology
Prediction of early-stage melanoma recurrence using clinical and histopathologic features.

Prediction of early-stage melanoma recurrence using clinical and histopathologic features.

Wan G, Nguyen N, Liu F, DeSimone MS, Leung BW, Rajeh A, Collier MR, Choi MS,... Semenov YR. (2022).
NPJ Precision Oncology. 6(1):79
Stitching and registering highly multiplexed whole-slide images of tissues and tumors using ASHLAR.

Stitching and registering highly multiplexed whole-slide images of tissues and tumors using ASHLAR.

Muhlich J, Chen Y-A, Yapp C, Russell R, Santagata S, Sorger PK. (2022).
Spatial intra-tumor heterogeneity is associated with survival of lung adenocarcinoma patients.

Spatial intra-tumor heterogeneity is associated with survival of lung adenocarcinoma patients.

Wu H-J, Temko D, Maliga M, Moreira A, Sei E, Conterno Minussi D, Dean J, Lee C, Xu Q,... Michor F. (2022).
Cell Genomics, 2(8), 100165.
Narrative online guides for the interpretation of digital-pathology images and tissue-atlas data.

Narrative online guides for the interpretation of digital-pathology images and tissue-atlas data.

Rumana R, Chen Y-A, Hoffer J, Muhlich JL, Lin J-R, Krueger R, Pfister H, Mitchell R, Santagata S, Sorger PK. (2022).
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 6(5):515-526.
Scope2Screen: Focus+context techniques for pathology tumor assessment in multivariate image data.

Scope2Screen: Focus+context techniques for pathology tumor assessment in multivariate image data.

Jessup J, Krueger R, Warchol S, Hoffer J, Muhlich JL, Ritch CC, Gaglia G, Coy S, Chen Y-A, Lin J-R, Santagata S, Sorger PK, Pfister H. (2022).
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 28(1), 259-269.
A human breast atlas integrating single-cell proteomics and transcriptomics.

A human breast atlas integrating single-cell proteomics and transcriptomics.

Gray GK, Li CM-C, Rosenbluth JM, Selfors LM, Girnius N, Lin J-R, Schackmann RCJ, Goh WL, Moore K,...Brugge JS. (2022).
Developmental Cell, 57(22), 1400-1420.
The immunoregulatory landscape of human tuberculosis granulomas.

The immunoregulatory landscape of human tuberculosis granulomas.

McCaffrey EF, Donato M, Keren L, Chen Z, Delmastro A, Fitzpatrick MB, Gupta S, Greenwald NF,... Angelo M. (2022).
Nature Immunology, 23(2):318–329.
MCMICRO: A scalable, modular image-processing pipeline for multiplexed tissue imaging.

MCMICRO: A scalable, modular image-processing pipeline for multiplexed tissue imaging.

Schapiro D, Sokolov A, Yapp C, Muhlich JL, Hess J, Lin J-R, Chen Y-A, Nariya MK,... Sorger PK. (2021)
Nature Methods, 19, 311–315
MITI minimum information guidelines for highly multiplexed tissue images.

MITI minimum information guidelines for highly multiplexed tissue images.

Schapiro D, Yapp C, Sokolov A, Reynolds SM, Chen Y-A, Sudar D, Xie Y, Muhlich J, ... Sorger PK. (2022).
Nature Methods, 19, 262–267
Evolution of delayed resistance to immunotherapy in a melanoma responder.

Evolution of delayed resistance to immunotherapy in a melanoma responder.

Liu D, Lin J-R, Robitschek EJ, Kasumova GG, Heyde A, Shi A, Kraya A,... Boland, GM. (2021).
Nature Medicine, 27, 985–992.
Micro-region transcriptomics of fixed human tissue using pick-seq.

Micro-region transcriptomics of fixed human tissue using pick-seq.

Maliga Z, Nirmal AJ, Ericson NG, Boswell SA, U’Ren L, Podyminogin R, Chow J, Chen Y-A,… Sorger PK. (2021).
Manuscript Submitted
Opposing immune and genetic mechanisms shape oncogenic programs in synovial sarcoma.

Opposing immune and genetic mechanisms shape oncogenic programs in synovial sarcoma.

Jerby-Arnon L, Neftel C, Shore ME, Weisman HR, Mathewson ND, McBride MJ, Haas B, Izar B, … Regev A. (2021).
Nature Medicine, 27(2), 289–300.
Clinical efficacy and molecular response correlates of the WEE1 inhibitor adavosertib combined with cisplatin in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer.

Clinical efficacy and molecular response correlates of the WEE1 inhibitor adavosertib combined with cisplatin in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer.

Keenan TE, Li T, Vallius T, Guerriero JL, Tayob N, Kochupurakkal B, Davis J, Pastorello R,... Tolaney SM. (2021).
Clinical Cancer Research, 2(1), 66-82.
HAND1 and BARX1 act as transcriptional and anatomic determinants of malignancy in gastrointestinal stromal tumor.

HAND1 and BARX1 act as transcriptional and anatomic determinants of malignancy in gastrointestinal stromal tumor.

Hemming ML, Coy S, Lin J-R, Andersen JL, Przybyl J, Mazzola E, Abdelhamid Ahmed AH,... Santagata S. (2021).
Clinical Cancer Research, 27(6), 1706-19.
Concurrent dexamethasone limits the clinical benefit of immune checkpoint blockade in glioblastoma.

Concurrent dexamethasone limits the clinical benefit of immune checkpoint blockade in glioblastoma.

Iorgulescu JB, Gokhale PC, Speranza MC, Eschle BK, Poitras MJ, Wilkens MK, Soroko KM,... Reardon DA. (2021).
Clinical Cancer Research, 27(1), 276–87.
Obesity shapes metabolism in the tumor microenvironment to suppress anti-tumor immunity.

Obesity shapes metabolism in the tumor microenvironment to suppress anti-tumor immunity.

Ringel AE, Drijvers JM, Baker GJ, Catozzi A, García-Cañaveras JC, Gassaway BM, Miller BC, ... Haigis MC. (2020).
Cell, 183(7), 1848-1866.e26.
Channel embedding for informative protein identification from highly multiplexed images.

Channel embedding for informative protein identification from highly multiplexed images.

Magid SM, Jang W-D, Schapiro D, Wei D, Tompkin J, Sorger PK, Pfister, H. (2020).
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 12265, 3–13.
Multiplexed proteomics and imaging of resolving and lethal SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lung.

Multiplexed proteomics and imaging of resolving and lethal SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lung.

Kalocsay M, Maliga Z, Nirmal AJ, Eisert RJ, Bradshaw GA, Solomon IH, Chen Y-A, Pelletier RJ, ... Sorger PK. (2020).
Manuscript Submitted
Minerva: A light-weight, narrative image browser for multiplexed tissue images.

Minerva: A light-weight, narrative image browser for multiplexed tissue images.

Hoffer J, Rashid R, Muhlich JL, Chen Y-A, Russell DPW, Ruokonen J, Krueger R, Pfister H, Santagata S, Sorger PK. (2020).
Journal of Open Source Software, 5(54), 2579
SARS-CoV-2 infection protects against rechallenge in rhesus macaques.

SARS-CoV-2 infection protects against rechallenge in rhesus macaques.

Chandrashekar A, Liu J, Martinot AJ, McMahan K, Mercado NB, Peter L, Tostanoski LH,... Barach DH. (2020).
Science 369(6505): 812–17.
Response and mechanisms of resistance to larotrectinib and selitrectinib in metastatic undifferentiated sarcoma harboring oncogenic fusion of NTRK1.

Response and mechanisms of resistance to larotrectinib and selitrectinib in metastatic undifferentiated sarcoma harboring oncogenic fusion of NTRK1.

Hemming ML, Nathenson MJ, Lin J-R, Mei S, Du Z, Malik K, Marino-Enriquez A, Jagannathan JP, Sorger PK, Bertagnolli M, Sicinska E, Demetri GD, Santagata S. (2020).
JCO Precision Oncology, 4, 79–90.
Immunogenomic profiling determines responses to combined PARP and PD-1 inhibition in ovarian cancer.

Immunogenomic profiling determines responses to combined PARP and PD-1 inhibition in ovarian cancer.

Färkkilä A, Gulhan DC, Casado J, Jacobson CA, Nguyen H, Kochupurakkal B, Maliga Z, Yapp C,… Konstantinopoulos PA. (2020).
Nature Communications, 11(1), 1459.
HSF1 phase transition mediates stress adaptation and cell fate decisions.

HSF1 phase transition mediates stress adaptation and cell fate decisions.

Gaglia G, Rashid R, Yapp C, Joshi GN, Li CG, Lindquist SL, Sarosiek KA, Whitesell L, Sorger PK, Santagata S. (2020).
Nature Cell Biology, 22(2), 151–158.
Facetto: Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Learning for Hierarchical Phenotype Analysis in Multi-Channel Image Data.

Facetto: Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Learning for Hierarchical Phenotype Analysis in Multi-Channel Image Data.

Krueger R, Beyer J, Jang W-D, Kim NW, Sokolov A, Sorger PK, Pfister H. (2020).
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(1), 227–237.
Qualifying antibodies for image-based immune profiling and multiplexed tissue imaging.

Qualifying antibodies for image-based immune profiling and multiplexed tissue imaging.

Du Z, Lin J-R, Rashid R, Maliga Z, Wang S, Aster JC, Izar B, Sorger PK, Santagata S. (2019).
Nature Protocols, 14(10), 2900–2930.
Mismatch repair deficiency in high-grade meningioma: A rare but recurrent event associated with dramatic immune activation and clinical response to PD-1 blockade.

Mismatch repair deficiency in high-grade meningioma: A rare but recurrent event associated with dramatic immune activation and clinical response to PD-1 blockade.

Dunn IF, Du Z, Touat M, Sisti MB, Wen PY, Umeton R, Dubuc AM, Ducar M,... Reardon DA. (2018).
JCO Precision Oncology, 2018.
Highly multiplexed immunofluorescence images and single-cell data of immune markers in tonsil and lung cancer.

Highly multiplexed immunofluorescence images and single-cell data of immune markers in tonsil and lung cancer.

Rashid R, Gaglia G, Chen Y-A, Lin J-R, Du Z, Maliga Z, Schapiro D, Yapp C, Muhlich J, Sokolov A, Sorger P, Santagata S. (2019).
Scientific Data, 6(1), 323.
Highly multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging of human tissues and tumors using t-cycif and conventional optical microscopes.

Highly multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging of human tissues and tumors using t-cycif and conventional optical microscopes.

Lin J-R, Izar B, Wang S, Yapp C, Mei S, Shah PM, Santagata S, Sorger, PK. (2018).
Multiplexed immunofluorescence reveals potential PD-1/PD-L1 pathway vulnerabilities in craniopharyngioma.

Multiplexed immunofluorescence reveals potential PD-1/PD-L1 pathway vulnerabilities in craniopharyngioma.

Coy S, Rashid R, Lin JR, Du Z, Donson AM, Hankinson TC, Foreman NK, ... Santagata S. (2018).
Neuro-Oncology, 20(8), 1101-12.
A cancer cell program promotes t cell exclusion and resistance to checkpoint blockade.

A cancer cell program promotes t cell exclusion and resistance to checkpoint blockade.

Jerby-Arnon, L., Shah, P., Cuoco, M. S., Rodman, C., Su, M.-J., Melms, J. C., Leeson, R., Kanodia, A., … Regev, A. (2018).
Cell, 175(4), 984-997.e24.
Dissecting the multicellular ecosystem of metastatic melanoma by single-cell RNA-seq.

Dissecting the multicellular ecosystem of metastatic melanoma by single-cell RNA-seq.

Tirosh I, Izar B, Prakadan SM, Wadsworth MH, Treacy D, Trombetta JJ, Rotem A, Rodman C,… Garraway LA. (2016).
Science, 352(6282), 189–196.